Revenge Porn is the sharing of private, sexual materials, either photos or videos, of another person, without their consent and with the purpose of causing embarrassment or distress. In some cases, the content is shared in an act of revenge to embarrass, humiliate or cause distress to a person after the breakdown of a relationship, but it’s not always about revenge. It applies both online and offline, and to images which are shared electronically or in a more traditional way so it includes the uploading of images on the internet, sharing by text and e-mail, or showing someone a physical or electronic image. 
Private materials are those showing anything not usually seen in public. Sexual material not only covers images that show the pubic region, but anything that a reasonable person would consider to be sexual so this could be a picture of someone who is engaged in sexual behaviour or posing in a sexually provocative way. 
Revenge Porn can also be referred to as intimate image abuse, non-consensual pornography or image-based sexual abuse.

What to do if you've been affected by Revenge Porn
If you have been affected by revenge porn, here is some advice and guidance from the Revenge Porn Helpline:

What should you do if you’ve had your intimate content shared without your consent?

• Stay calm; preserve all the evidence you can. This would include screenshots of where the content is posted.
• Report to the police; call the non-emergency number on 101.
• Report and request the removal of the content; we are able to help with this if we’re provided with URL links.
• Seek emotional support to help cope with what has happened.

What if they are threatening to share my intimate content?
 • Do not give them any time or money and do not negotiate.
• Collect evidence, stop all contact and report to the platform.
• Report to the police by calling the non-emergency number 101.
• Seek out emotional support.

Further information about help and support available, and steps to consider if you've been affected by revenge porn, is available in this factsheet by the Revenge Porn Helpline:

There are two ways you can tell us what happened