If someone makes a report about you, or that includes your name (perhaps as a witness), you are likely to experience a range of emotions, including anger or fear. 
Please be assured that the University will not make assumptions or form judgements based solely on the details within a report. 

When an anonymous report is made that names an individual, as with all anonymous reports, we will not take direct action unless there are safeguarding concerns and enough information to allow action. The name(s) within the report will be redacted.

Where a report is made with contact details that names an individual, a responder will arrange to talk with the reporter and help them think through what they wish to do next.  Where the reporter wishes to take no further action, the name(s) will be redacted.  Where the reporter does wish to take further action using University procedures, the named person(s) will be contacted and our informal or formal grievance procedure will be followed.  Once this procedure begins, the name(s) will be redacted.

The University may find that a report is vexatious or malicious in which case the disciplinary procedure will be followed.  

In many cases, an informal discussion or mediation will resolve the issue raised.  When behaviour breaches the University of Sussex’s policies, disciplinary action may be taken and where informal resolution is not appropriate, an impartial investigation will take place.  The details of an investigation process can be found in the disciplinary procedure
All those involved will be treated fairly and with respect.  Data will be managed in line with data protection legislation. 
If you are anxious about a report that has been made about you, then you may find it helpful to read these support articles and the behaviours that describe: 
  • Sexual Violence and Misconduct
  • Domestic Abuse
  • Hate Incident or Crime
  • Bullying and Harassment
  • Harassment and Stalking
  • Discrimination
Depending upon the situation, those who have reports made about them may be offered or referred to sources of support.

Support services for staff 
Support services are provided through Health Assured who offer a helpline that can link enquirers to counselling, information, resources and referrals to local services.  The service is open 24 hours per day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.  The support offered is confidential and independent of the University.  The University receives data on the number and broad themes of enquiries made to Health Assured, but no personal data or information on the detail of enquiries is shared. 

When you are ready, you may find that the wellbeing hub can help you find other support within the University as well as self care resources. 

Mediation is an informal means of bringing together people in disagreement to seek agreement on the way forward.  A mediator is neutral and non-judgemental and will work with the people involved to understand what a better future looks like, with a view to finding an agreed way forward for all parties.  Participation is voluntary and mediation will only happen when all parties are willing. 

There are two ways you can tell us what happened