1. What is Report + Support?    
The University of Sussex is committed to providing a safe, inclusive and respectful environment 
for every member of its community. If you or someone else has experienced behaviours such as 
bullying, harassment, a hate incident, sexual violence, domestic abuse or discrimination, you can let us know using this Report and Support tool. All staff, students and visitors to our campus can use 
this site to: 
• Find information about and access University and specialist support services. 
• Make a disclosure to the University so that an advisor can talk you through options for support or further action. 
• Make an anonymous disclosure to make the University aware of your experience, (please note that we will be unable to respond to or take specific action on an anonymous disclosure).   
Please note that Report + Support is not intended for emergencies.  If you require urgent help, please call the emergency services on 999 or Security Services on campus on 01273 873333. 
2. Can I disclose on behalf of someone else?  
Yes, if you have witnessed an incident or if you are concerned about someone else, you can make a disclosure on their behalf, but it is better if this can be done with their knowledge and consent.  Please note that if you disclose on behalf of someone else, we will not be able to discuss any of their personal details or their case with you. 
3. What happens once I make an anonymous disclosure?  
Making an anonymous disclosure tells us that something has happened.  This will not instigate any action or formal process.  Without someone’s contact details we are not able to act. The rare exception to this will be when the disclosing person describes concerns which fall within the legal parameters of safeguarding, for example, if the incident involves someone under the age of 18 and sufficient information is provided in the report for necessary protective action to be taken.  
Anonymous disclosures help the University to understand the experience of our staff and students. They provide information on the range, frequency and sometimes location of incidents.  There may be patterns of incidents that emerge that provide real insight into the nature of proactive work that may be required.  
If you would like action to be taken on your disclosure, you can change your mind at any time through this process and, instead make a disclosure with your contact details.  An advisor will then get in touch with you to discuss support and what you would like to happen next.  
4. What happens once I make a disclosure with my contact details?  
Incoming disclosures will be reviewed on each working day (Monday to Friday).  If you provide your contact details and if you request a response, your disclosure will be assigned to a trained advisor who will contact you within 5 working days to discuss your options.  
Disclosing with your contact details does not automatically initiate disciplinary action within the University or a report to external services such as the police or another emergency service.  
You will be asked what you want to do next and you can discuss your options with the advisor. The disclosure will remain confidential and the information contained in it will only be passed on to relevant and specifically trained staff members on a strictly need- to- know basis.  However, there may be rare situations where confidentiality can’t be kept, but this will be made clear to you at the time.  An example of this, is if either your safety or that of others is at serious risk.  
If you or the subject of the report are under the age of 18 then we will be unable to keep this confidential.  For your/their safety, we would need to make a safeguarding referral. 

There are two ways you can tell us what happened