If you would prefer to seek help and support outside of the university, here are contact details for some relevant organisations: 
Victim Support 
0300 323 9985: Mon–Fri, 9am–5pm 
0808 168 9111: 24/7 
Specialist domestic abuse support for Brighton & Hove. They will provide independent information, advice, support & advocacy to victims and survivors of domestic abuse. 
Change Grow Live 
0300 323 9985: Mon–Fri 9am–5pm 
Specialist domestic abuse support for East Sussex. 
LGBTQ Switchboard 
Switchboard has opened Brighton’s first LGBTQ-led Domestic Abuse service, supporting LGBTQ victims and survivors in an inclusive and affirmative community space.  
Hersana provide Black femme survivors of all forms of gendered violence with support, access to justice and counselling.  
Men’s Advice Line 
Freephone: 0808 801 0327: Mon–Fri, 9am–8pm 
Webchat: Weds, Thurs and Fri, 10–11am and 3–4pm 
Email support: info@mensadviceline.org.uk, Mon–Fri 9am–8pm, Sat and Sun 10am–12pm & 4–6pm 
Help and support for male survivors of domestic abuse. 

There are two ways you can tell us what happened